Oh My WASP! Dealing With Nests Near Your Home

December 18, 2015 - 3 min read

Finding a bee or wasp nest around your home or garden can be scary. When it comes to identifying what type of pest is making its home on your property, and exactly how to treat it, give a local bee and wasp removal expert a call.

Whether it’s a wasp or a hornets’ nest, it’s important to know how to deal with those flying colonies of fear. If you need a little assistance identifying a nest around your home, we’re here to help! Our tips and tricks will help you know what you’re dealing with, and what to do about it. With this year bringing the worst wasp season in 20 years, it’s imperative to be informed!

Basic Differences Between Hornets & Wasps

According to the Western Australian Museum, us Aussies often use the term ‘hornet’ to describe any large wasp — particularly if said wasp is black and orange in colour. This term is actually incorrect, as no true hornets live in Australia. Generally, the insects referred to as hornets in Aus are the large mudnest wasps known as Mud-Dauber & Sand Wasps. The other most common wasps include the Potter Wasp and English Wasp. If you’ve recently experienced a significant influx of winged fiends, it’s likely they’ve built a nest somewhere near your home. There are a few identifiable differences between the Mud-Dauber Wasp, the Potter Wasp and the English Wasp. Check these out below:

Mud-Dauber Wasps



  • Nests are made from water and dirt particles, creating a mud nest with a long, cave-like appearance.
  • Nests are usually built in sheltered spots such as wall cavities, roof spaces, under eaves and rock overhangs.
  • You’ll most likely sight these wasps gathering water from pools, nectar from flowers or carrying small jumping spiders to store in their nests.
  • While this wasp can deliver painful stings, attacks are rare.

Potter Wasps


  • Nests are made from mud and are short in appearance.
  • Potter Wasps are solitary and feed on nectar. They hunt small grubs and caterpillars to feed their larvae.
  • Usually located atop trees, in attic rafters or other covered areas.
  • These wasps have the potential to deliver painful stings, however they are not aggressive and rarely attack.

English Wasps


  • Build large nests with easy access to outdoors, such as in lofts, garages and wall cavities. They also build nests in hollow trees, old rodent burrows and bushes.
  • These are social wasps and live in swarms.
  • They feed on insects and sweet foods.
  • These wasps are highly aggressive, and worker females will sting readily and repeatedly. If you see a large wasp nest, stay away and call a local pest controller!

Preventing Wasps & Hornets


As they say, prevention is always better than a cure. Here are some tips for preventing these insects from moving in:

  • Check around your home or property during early spring for nests – this is usually when they begin developing.
  • Secure your bins and ensure the lids are fitted correctly. Keep the bins at a distance from your doors and windows to deter wasps.
  • Keep your windows and doors shut to prevent wasps and hornets from entering your home and causing absolute mayhem that totally won’t be funny at the time.

Dealing With Pest Nests


When it comes to finding a solution on your own, it can get quite difficult because maintaining distance between you and the nest is recommended. There are many insecticides and sprays on the market, however, sometimes, it’s best to leave pest control to the pest control professionals.

Looking for more pest control tips? Read our other articles:

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