Being prepared for your road trip helps ensure you’re safe and the trip runs smoothly, from servicing your car to organising where to stop and rotating drivers. If you’re planning your next road trip in Australia, make sure to check out our seven tips to prepare before you go.
There’s so much to see in Australia, so it’s no surprise so many Aussies take to the road to see what their beautiful country has to offer. Most Australians also know wildlife comes out at night, making it more dangerous to drive when swerving out of the way or hitting the animals. That’s why it’s a great idea to research how long you can drive before nightfall and when you can check into pre-booked accommodation to save you from the risks of driving at night.
Keep reading for our top seven tips on how to prepare for an Aussie road trip, which will help you get organised and plan your road trip.
Photo by Hugo Kruip on Unsplash.
7 Tips to Prepare for a Road Trip in Australia
1. Service your car.
Ensure your car’s been serviced recently or take it in for a service before starting your road trip. Nothing’s worse than getting stuck in the middle of nowhere when it could’ve been avoided.
By servicing your car, you can relax knowing your car is less likely to have issues on your journey and be more prepared for your road trip.
2. Get roadside assistance.
If you don’t have roadside assistance already, it’s definitely a good idea to get it before your road trip. Having access to 24/7 help will give you more ease knowing help is one call away and is especially great for people with older vehicles, which are more likely to have potential issues when driving long distances.
3. Plan your route.
Have a plan of your road trip route before you go to ensure it goes smoothly. Avoid driving at night, which is when nightlife comes out and more accidents happen. Instead, plan how far you can drive before the sun goes down and stop at campsites or find accommodation.
Besides planning where you’ll stop, it’s also a good idea to split up the driving and find spots to stop along the way to get food, petrol, stretch and break up the journey.
4. Buy the snacks.
Before your road trip, make sure you have plenty of snacks and water to keep you hydrated and energised during the drive. Especially if you’re heading through remote areas, it’s important to pack extra food and water as it’s always better to be safe than sorry!
Bring healthy snacks that will last a while like museli bars, trail mix and chickpea chips for shorter trips and pack bigger meals if you don’t plan on stopping for lunch or dinner during your drive.
5. Download directions and maps.
Downloading directions and maps before your Aussie road trip means you’ll still know where you’re going even if you have little-to-no reception. Besides taking a refidex to find your way around, you can also download an area of a map which you can navigate offline, which can be extremely helpful when running into an area with poor connection.
6. Download the entertainment.
Before you take off, download music, podcasts, audio books, games or movies to ensure you don’t waste your battery or data after you leave. Podcasts are great to listen to if you’re driving alone or taking turns sleeping as they don’t have to be too loud and you can learn while you drive.
If you have kids, downloading movies, TV shows or games beforehand is a great way to keep them entertained while you drive.
7. Pack the essentials.
Double check you’ve packed all your essentials before you leave, from toothbrush and toothpaste to sunblock. It’s also important to consider the climate, like if you need thongs and plenty of sun protection, fly nets or a few layers and closed-toe shoes.
Check out our free printable list of essentials for any trip to help you see if there’s anything else you need to pack:

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