Caring for Baby Teeth & Gums

September 15, 2015 - 2 min read

Nobody likes to see their baby in pain and teething is often a difficult time for both the baby and their parents. Read on to find out how to help prepare your child’s gums and teeth for good dental health, now and later in life.

About Baby Teeth

Babies develop teeth while they are in the womb and are normally born with a full set of 20 baby (also known as primary) teeth under their gums. It is not uncommon for some bubs to be born with one or two teeth already broken through.
Most babies will have their first teeth appear within the first 6 to 10 months of their life. However some will not start teething until they are around 12 months old. Each child is different, but if you are concerned, visit your local dentist for advice.

What is Teething?

Teething refers to the process of a baby’s teeth erupting through the gums. This can be quite painful. Some babies don’t show any discomfort, but your bundle of joy may seem extra cranky, refuse food, excessively drool, and suck on everything within their reach—so be careful!
If you baby develops a fever, diarrhoea or any other symptoms, visit your local doctor ASAP.

How to Help Soothe Teething Pain

If you want to help soothe your baby’s sore gyms while they’re teething, try these tips:

  • Serve your baby mushy foods, like puréed fruit, so they will not need to ‘chew’
  • Rub your baby’s gums gently with your finger—always thoroughly wash your hands before and after
  • Cold fruit and teething rings are perfect for keeping babies occupied, and helping to cool their gums

Cleaning Your Baby’s Gyms and Teeth

Gums: Although your bub doesn’t yet have teeth, they can still be susceptible to gum disease. It is recommended you start cleaning their gums to get them used to the process. Use a damp, clean cloth to gently wipe over their gums after feeding and don’t put your bub to bed with milk or juice.
Teeth: Once your baby’s teeth start to appear, continue the process of gently wiping with a clean, damp cloth. You can also use a toothbrush designed for children.

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