Practicing yoga can improve your posture, muscle tone and release stress as well as being linked to lowering your risk of heart disease and cholesterol problems.
Practice these yoga poses daily to increase your flexibility:
Downward-Facing Dog: Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Fold at the waist and press your palm flat to the floor (beginners may bend your knees). Your hips are now in the air; hands should be shoulder-width apart and your arms, shoulders and back should be long and straight.
Tree Pose: Begin by standing on one leg. Bring your right foot up to your ankle, shin or thigh (depending on your flexibility). The underside of your foot should be flat against you’re other leg. Beginners may feel more balanced with their back against a wall. As you progress and feel more centred, raise your arms over your head for a further stretch.
Regular massages will aid in improving your flexibility by ensuring your muscles are relaxed, releasing knots and stretching joints to improve overall motion.
Try one of these massages to improve your flexibility:
Thai Massage: By using gentle pressure on specific points, compressions and stretches, Thai massage reduces stress and increases your flexibility.
Sports Massage: Designed for those with a physical injury, sports massage aims to treat and prevent injuries and even aids in enhancing physical performance. The techniques used in sports massage can help loosen muscles and increase flexibility.
Full Motion Training
Limiting yourself to short-range exercises such as squats, lunges and jumping jacks can decrease your flexibility.
Follow these steps to increase your range in these movements:
Standard Squat: Stand with your feed a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Roll your shoulders back and away from the ears. Extend your arms parallel to the floor, palms facing down. Inhale and lock your hips while slightly bringing them back. Keep pressing your hips back as they knees begin to bend (like you are sitting). Ensure your chest and shoulders stay upright and your back is straight. A full squat is completed when your thighs are parallel to the floor or lower.

Jumping Jacks: Stand with your feet close together and your arms to your side. Bend your knees slightly and jump off the balls of your feet, extending your legs up and outwards. At the same time as your leg motion, raise your arms above your head. Complete in quick successions; extending up and out again as you touch the ground.
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