A bright bouquet

If your partner loves anything bright and beautiful, we suggest opting for flowers such roses and tulips, as they have a vast range of stunning colours. However, birds of paradise, authurium and asters are also great choices for a colourful bouquet. Of course, you can choose to blend in subtle flowers such as cream lilies to tone down the effect a little.
A rustic bouquet

Rustic bouquets are becoming increasingly popular due to their cute vintage style. One great arrangement has to be the pairing of Queen Annes Lace together with bright, warming sunflowers. Bound together with a few wraps of twine, this simple and subtle bouquet is perfect for all occasions. Other flowers that work perfect in rustic bouquets include light Lilacs, Daffofils and Anemone.
A light bouquet

Are you looking for a rather neutral bouquet to spoil your loved one with? If so, we suggest choosing flowers such as gladiolus, lightly coloured hydrangeas and lilac. Once you have chosen a base of flowers you can then add a splash of colour with light pink peonies or subtle alstroemerias. Your local florist will know exactly what arrangements work well, so be sure to have a chat about what you desire!