5 health hacks to avoid winter sniffles

July 20, 2015 - 2 min read

Help keep your body healthy and fight of germs this winter with our super simple tips. These tips will keep you going through the flu seaso.

Stop worrying about getting sick and simply follow these simple steps instead! You’ll glide through this winter with ease—sniffle free.

#1 Get a flu shot

The first, most practical precaution you can take is to get a flu shot. Although it isn’t necessary, a flu shot will keep your immune system strong and ready for battle throughout the sickly season!

#2 Take your multivitamins

For that extra immune system boost, invest in daily multivitamins. Available in packs developed especially for men and women, daily multivitamins will also ensure you get other essential vitamins to assist in other areas of health, including digestion.

#3 Up your general hygiene game

This seems like an obvious one, however consider the amount of times you actually wash your hands compared to the amount of times you should. By ensuring you are washing your hands before meals, after using the bathroom and after general daily activities, you are greatly decreasing your chances of getting sick. For the health of others, remember to cover your mouth and nose while coughing and sneezing.


#4 An apple a day

There is a naturally occurring antioxidant in red apples, broccoli and green tea called quercetin. This will supply your body with an immunity boost, which will be especially effective if you are under stress. Stressing about getting sick won’t help either, so add a red apple or a hot cup of green tea to your daily intake.

Woman running and exercising

#5 Regular exercise

Keep your limbs moving and your blood pumping. Getting your daily 30 minutes of exercise will greatly increase your immune system and decrease your chances of heart disease, obesity and diabetes—double win! If strenuous cardio isn’t your thing, you can always opt for yoga or tai chi; the stretching and deep breathing exercises practised in these activities are highly beneficial for your body.