Beginner's guide to tea varieties

August 5, 2015 - 2 min read

Are you a tea beginner or just wanting to try something new? Check out our list of teas to see if anything tickles your fancy.

Black Tea

One of the most popular types of tea, black tea, is made from fully oxidised leaves, which make for a deep and hearty cuppa. The process of making black tea involves withering and rolling the tea leaves followed by an extended period of fermentation, resulting in a full-bodied, strong flavour. Black tea has been linked to significant health benefits for the heart.

Green Tea

Unlike black tea, green tea does not go through any oxidation and therefore preserves the tea leaves’ natural green colour. Green tea leaves are picked, dried and heat-treated to prevent the fermentation process, then pan fried or steamed to remove the moisture. Particularly popular in Japan and China, green tea is full of antioxidants and has been known to increase brain function and fat-burning abilities, while lowering the risk of certain types of cancer.

White Tea

The least processed of all tea, white tea is made specifically using the youngest tea leaves and tea buds. Once picked, the leaves are simply steamed and dried—that’s it! Containing very little caffeine compared to other teas, white tea is lighter in colour and known for its subtlety and natural sweetness.


Originating form South Africa, rooibos tea (otherwise known as red tea or African red tea) is a naturally sweet and sometimes nutty herbal tea made from the South African Red Bush. Caffeine-free, rooibos tea is harvested, grinded and bruised, then left to ferment until it gives off a reddish-brown rustic appearance. This tea has a lighter taste and has been known to improve bone and cardiovascular health.


Available in three types—herbal infusions, mate teas and rooibos tea—herbal teas are one of the few types of tea not sourced from the Camellia plant. Consisting of pure herbs, flowers and fruits, herbal teas are often flavourful and can be delicious served hot or on iced.


Are you a tea connoisseur? Let us know your favourite blend and why in the comments below!

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